RyeAds.com – The Big Push

So RyeAds.com is pretty well done now. The site functions. Ryerson students and staff can post ads, edit them, and delete them. Anyone can see posted ads, and anyone can reply to them.

The idea is that RyeAds.com will be the first place any Ryerson student or staff member goes when looking for some used item they need: text books, bikes, cars, rooms to rent, anything. I think it can be a great boon to the school community, and even be a place to find on-campus jobs and events easily. The problem now is getting the word out.

And I thought programming the site from scratch was hard! I’ve been contacting school groups, departments, school papers, resurrecting my twitter account to send some carefully targeted tweets… I’m trying to think of anything I can to get the word out about this site.

I’m noticing a lot of page views, but not a lot of ad posts. Well, I’m away for the weekend. Maybe I’ll come back to see a little blip of burgeoning activity on Ryeads.com. Maybe some new classified ad will be posted and replied to by the time I get back. That’s three days Ryerson. Let’s see what you can do in that time.

RyeAds.com – A New Project

This summer, I new I’d have a lot of time. Not in the usual sense, because my summer job would keep me indoors from 11am to 7pm every workday, so the days were pretty much shot. By time I mean, brain-time. Having just started back at school last year, I was in the zone. The go-go-go, no time to sleep, constantly working/studying zone. That’s a hard place to snap out of.

So this summer, I set myself a few projects to keep myself busy and mentally active. One of them was Ryeads.com.

What is Ryeads.com you ask? Well, back when I was a student at McGill, and I wanted to find a good price on a used text book, I’d check out the school’s site, scroll down, and click on Classified Ads. It was perfect. A school run site that only faculty and students could post to, and nine times out of ten, I could find the book I needed at a reasonable price. Maybe there were a few dog eared pages, but how else was I going to figure out what pages to read, right? Anyway, RyeAds.com will fill this classified ads void in the Ryerson University bubble.

Once the word about the site spreads and people start using it, it will have more and more ads on it, and so will be more and more useful to the students and staff looking for things to buy. The more people use it, the more useful it will be.

It has the potential to be a very useful resource for everyone at Ryerson University. Now I’ve just got to spread the word…

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