Commitment to the Game

That’s exactly what a great majority of my teammates on my just-finished recreational softball team did not have. We had seven games for the spring season. At only one of them did we have a full team. Thanks to our competitors having abundant team sizes we were able to borrow a few players to have a game for fun, after forfeiting the real game of course.

There were probably only two of us on the entire team that came to 6 out of 7 games. I missed one because I had planned a trip for one weekend long before signing up. There was a husband and wife couple that signed up, who had a newborn baby, who signed up and they only came to one game. That’s totally understandable – you have a newborn, so you don’t have the time or energy to play softball. I get it. So why did you sign up?

When you sign up for a sports league, please have the decency to think it through and make sure you can commit to the schedule. Don’t think of it as optional to go to your games. Your teammates, and opposition, are counting on your presence so they can have a ball game.

Here’s to a better summer league. And kids, don’t sign up and bail.


  1. So true, Nate.
    Reading your post made me think of this ad I just watched where the guys says, “Wow… your commitment level is so high!”

    • Ya, I just discovered that video, and the two others in the series, yesterday. Very entertaining. And yes, Alec has way more commitment to the game than my team did.

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